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My passion is decorating with vintage and antique finds on a budget. There was a time when I wouldn't have dreamed of going into a goodwill. That day has passed. :) My second love is scrapbooking all those special family moments for posterity, and I recently set up my very own scrapbooking room. I have three beautiful children, two sons and a daughter as well as a sweet (albeit full blooded Yankee) daughter-in-law and two grandgirls. I also enjoy gardening, meeting new friends and relaxing on my patio in the evenings with a glass of fine wine. During the summer of 2001, I spent two glorious weeks at Kennedy Space Center. I've been somewhat of a space geek ever since....
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sandwich Glass

Thanks to all of you for the input about the green glassware but most especially Phyllis with Tea Party Every Day who called it sandwich glass.....  Thank you, my friend.....  I had googled and searched prior to my post but kept pulling up the lighter green depression glass, but when I googled sandwich glass, I found what I was looking for.  This pretty glassware was produced in or near Sandwich, Massachusetts, thus the name sandwich glass.
It turns out that my sandwich glass was produced by Anchor Hocking.  Here's a little tidbit about it....

Anchor Hocking produced their version of Sandwich from 1939 to 1964. Many will be familiar with this pattern as they were used as promotional items at grocery stores and gas stations. Five of the items, in Forest Green, were included free inside boxes of Crystal Wedding brand oats. While these five pieces are abundant, the remaining pieces in Forest Green are much harder to find and are highly sought after by collectors. Punch bowls, usually in milk glass, were fairly common promo items at gas stations in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

So while I have the sought after forest green glass, my pieces were the common ones found inside boxes of Crystal Wedding brand oatmeal.  I have shallow bowls, small juice glasses, larger glasses, deep bowls, and saucers, so there's your five promotional items.  My momma sure loved to cook that oatmeal!  She had a degree in home economics education but only worked for one semester before my dad proposed, and after that she was a stay at home mom to the five of us.  If you don't count her many terms as PTO president, that is....  She always cooked a full breakfast for us on school days, eggs and bacon, oatmeal, or cream of wheat. 

Here's a pic of Anchor Hocking sandwich glass I found online....

And here's mine in forest green......

I just love the texture that those little raised dots give the glass......

I'm off work til Wednesday for the Mardi Gras holiday and headed out in a bit to meet my sis-in-law to go antiquing in Denham Springs......  There is an entire block of neat antique shops there and she's got her eye on something she saw there......  When there are antique shops, who needs parades????? 

Have a great Sunday!


  1. That green shade of your sandwich glass is wonderful.
    Have fun antiquing!

  2. The green is just beautiful, fun to find the history about it, have fun antiquing!

  3. We had a collection of this when I was growing up-I wonder what ever happened to it. It is very pricey to buy now, if you can find it.

  4. That is just beautiful...and I had no idea what it was called when I saw your earlier post. There is SOOO much knowledge out here in Blogland...I love it when someone can enlighten us all. Hope your day off is a fun one! xxoo Diana

  5. Hi! I have had a full five piece set of this exact pattern & color since I was about 12! Bought it in South Dakota. Thank you so much for the info on my prized possessions! I will treasure them even more now!

  6. My maternal Grandmother had these which she collected out of the Wedding Oats boxes. It has always been one of my favorite memories drinking milk out of the larger glasses, orange juice out of the small glasses, cereal out of the bowls and homemade vanilla ice cream that I helped turn the crank on. I inherited all of them after my grandmother passed and it just brings me back to being at her house as a little girl every time I use them. They just make the milk taste better :) Also I was given with the glassware a cookie jar that matches. It is missing its lid, but it is so pretty!


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