Linking up with Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday in celebration of the 4th of July! This is one of those low cost tablescapes that I so love to orchestrate..... All I bought were the red, white, and blue napkins from Tuesday Morning for the grand total of $7.99.... That's the joy of white dishes, just add some brightly colored accessories and you're ready to PAR-TAY!
I made the starfish garland last summer after seeing one in a gift shop for way too much money. I like the way it mimics the stars on the napkins and on Uncle Sam's top hat.....
I tied a red ribbon on the black lantern and used my red TJ Maxx dessert plates as accent pieces.
This Uncle Sam cast iron bank came from Tuesday Morning many years ago. My grandgirls absolutely love to see the coins drop from his hand into his bag..... Uncle Sam abuse fer sure..... The kittens LOVE it when they are left alone for a bit..... Ha ha.....
The first dinner guest has already arrived............ Just one of three adorable kittens that are free to the first in line.............. And if you take all three, you get a HUGE discount.... LOL
Here's a far shot of my lush and tropical hideaway. Do you see the new plant in the background to the far right? It's a queen palm I got on sale for dirt cheap at Wally World. I painted the old clay pot with Versailles colored chalk paint and waxed it with dark wax. It's a test to see just how durable chalk paint really is...... I love that pretty gray green color......
Of course, that sale queen palm just had me salivating for more so I went back with Johnny in his Surburban and bought a much larger one. This baby was on sale for $23, believe it or not!!! I'm not sure how well it'll do in a pot but if it shows signs of neglect I'll just plant it in the yard..... I love that tropical patio look! Those darned kitties are giving it hell, though. They climb halfway up the trunk and hang on for dear life. PLEASE, someone adopt one or all of them!
Stay tuned for the FOUNTAIN I finally treated myself to...... It has to be stained before it can be assembled...... Here are the girls kissing the LSU tiger at the concrete yard the day we picked up the fountain.... Don't tell their mama cause she's an OHIO STATE FAN. :-)
It was SOME HOT that day!!!! Y'all try to stay COOL now!!!!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC 4th of July!!!!!