:( Goodbye, summer, I'm gonna MISS ya.........
To brighten my mood, I'm linking up with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday this evening. We are in the process of cleaning out my mother's house and no one seemed interested in this sweet little washstand that my mom had antiqued years ago. Remember the antiquing craze????? Well, I brought this little baby home and gave it an update with old white chalk paint and gave it a good home right next to my rice bed.
Here's the before:
The wonderful thing about chalk paint is that there is no prep work needed. You just slap that paint on and it adheres to anything...... It has been so wet and rainy here that I brought the washstand inside and worked on it in my kitchen.
Here it is with two coats of old white on it. I painted right over the old brass handles. Then I took a sanding block and went to town. Not something I'll do inside again...... :( Made the mess of a lifetime, can I tell ya? After that, I waxed it with clear and then dark Annie Sloan wax. That dark wax has to be used sparingly. It went on too dark so I used added clear wax on top to lighten it up.
Here's a close up shot of the distressing. Talk about relieve some deep seated anxiety in a hurry at half the expense of psychotherapy. Ha!
Are ya ready for the finished product? I'm just so darn proud of it......
Isn't it sweet? And I love the storage it provides. If you haven't tried Annie Sloan chalk paint, you HAVE to. 'Nuff said......