Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch recently posted about a neat phenomenon called "The Blue Hour." Each morning and evening there is a small window of time when the sky appears a deep royal blue when captured in a photograph. Susan discovered it entirely by accident when she was taking pics on her porch and did some research to learn more about it.

Down in my neck of the deep South, the evening Blue Hour occurs between 7:58 p.m. and 8:32 p.m. daily........... Pretty neat, isn't it? In order to get the best quality shot, be sure to turn off your flash and set the camera on night shot....... When I took these photos, the only thing I could see in the viewfinder was the light of the bathroom window.......

The photos below were taken before I turned off the flash..... I was convinced that no picture would appear without the flash but much to my surprise the image appeared....

The Blue Hour is still visible but not so pronounced with the flash on.

Pretty neat, huh???????????