Wow, here I am on blog post # 99 and it seems like just yesterday that I didn't have the foggiest idea how to set up a blog much less link up with others.....
It's been a very difficult time in my life even though I have tried to remain upbeat at all times. Attitude is EVERYTHING, don't you think? I am now officially divorced from my high school sweetheart and husband of 30 years. We were rolling along "pretending" at being happily married for a very long stretch of time and one day it became clear to me that life is just too short for such unhappiness. We struggled along financially for many years with both of us working long and hard, always dreaming of better times. And the sad reality is that when my hubby finally got "the big promotion," our dreams were worlds apart. Through blogging I got a glimpse at couples who shared the same vision and dreams and who were actively working at making them happen. I will always love my ex but we were never a good match, worlds apart in temperament, attitude, and life goals. And oh what a slob he was, a real slob. :) But I wish him nothing but the best as he steps into his new life.
Enough said. The time I spent at the beach this summer was so healing, so filled with fun. I am very blessed to have people who love me in my life. Here I am with my two sweethearts, Brooke and Haylee. Grandchildren bring so much happiness to the circle of life.

Here they are loving on their auntie KK. She's so very patient with them and they love her dearly..... She's beginning her sophomore year of college in a few weeks.

My middle child Bryan wasn't able to make the trip. :( He recently graduated from tech school and really didn't want to have to ask for time off since he hasn't earned vacation time yet. We really missed him. Here's the rest of the brood at dinner at The Crab Shack. Can you see how one twin looks just like her daddy and one just like her momma?

Here is my older son Casey and my sweet DIL Angela. Take a good look because he tends to disappear everytime the camera comes out. Do you see his mouth moving? He's saying "MOM, put the damned camera AWAY." LOL

Here's a pic of me with my friend Johnny. What a guy.

Only a menopausal woman who no longer gives a flip about what people think would post a pic of her 54 year old self in a swimsuit on a public blog. Blame it on the hormones. Ha!

Here's the two lil rugrats again, about to ride the train at Destin Commons.....

They are momma's girls, can you tell?

I cherish the friendships that I've made through blogging and want to thank each and every one of you who have extended a hand in friendship over these last 99 posts. Here's to many, many more posts and new friends........