Why is you a thief of milk and cookies????
Guess she thinks Santa should work for free, huh???
My tree was so blingy that I decided to tone down my usual mantel decorations.... Do you see my new painting hanging over the mantel? It shows a street scene in Paris around the turn of the century and the beautiful hues caught my eye at Ross. I just had to bring it home with me and am so glad I did. What a steal for $49!!!
Here is my crew. I'm taking them all to Disneyworld in May. My son had an awful scare at Thanksgiving when he developed Bell's Palsy and lost muscle control on the left side of his face. Any little health problem can be cause for concern after beating cancer but thankfully it was a mild case of palsy, totally unrelated, and it resolved itself quickly. I've been wanting to take them all to Disney ever since he went into remission and the girls were old enough to really enjoy it. When I reflect on those bleak days with him undergoing chemotherapy and my DIL on bedrest threatening to have those babies early, I wonder how we managed to maintain our sanity. We are going to have so much fun!!!
Johnny joined us on Christmas Eve, and I went to Johnny's and celebrated Christmas with his mom and kids on Christmas Day. The holidays can feel really lonely after a divorce at the empty nest stage but that just didn't happen this year. I am blessed with people in my life who really care about me.
I've been shopping for a new dining table and chairs for my updated kitchen so you'll have to wait with baited breath for the big reveal. :-))
I'm happy to report that those cabinets FINALLY have knobs back on them.... Decisions, decisions....