The pace of my summer has slowed down just a tad and I stopped by two thrift shops this week, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow on Monday and Goodwill on Wednesday. There was NOTHING of interest on Monday but on Wednesday I found this silverplated pie server and pyrex pie plate.... It was heavily tarnished but nothing that a little silver cream wouldn't take care of. I'm linking with
The Shabby Chic Cottage to share my treasure.

I flipped it over to see what the price was..... Someone went wild with the pricing gadget for sure.... Doubleclick to see the absolute STEAL it was.....

Yep, you read it right..... $1.99!!!!! Talk about a bargain, huh? I snapped that baby up. Saw a funny sight just down the aisle.... A white wooden wedding frame decorated with silver wedding bells with the wedding picture still in it!!! Guess those two must have divorced cause somebody sure didn't want that picture on display.... Somewhere there is a woman who has NO IDEA that her wedding picture is sitting out on display at the thrift store! LOL
Here is the pie server all cleaned and polished up. I think I really scored, don't you? If I weren't being totally lazy this evening, I'd bake up a nice pie in it. OH, WELL..... :)

What type of pie do you think would taste best in it????????? Leave me a comment; I'd love to hear from y'all.......