Well, hello there, and welcome to my Flaunt Your Red Friday post. Thanks, Nancy, for hosting this special event. Red is one of my favorite colors and I have touches of it all around my house. Just click on the pictures to enlarge them. Let's take a look around .....
Above, check out the window treatments I sewed for my master bedroom. They're among the easiest I've ever made and I like them the best. Please excuse the dust on the curtain pole. It's definitely NOT FUNNY how the camera picks up every little flaw. I know, the entertainment center needs to be moved from in front of the window, just haven't had a chance since my dear houseguests moved out.

Here's a shot of my breakfast nook. I used a can of black paint to give new life to that old shelf left over from my country kitchen days. On top is an old wooden cigar box I bought for $1.00 at a garage sale, an old shoe form from an antique shop, and a neat little pitcher that my mother gave to me. I'm the only daughter who inherited her love of antiques. Do you see my forlorn patio table out back? Even though we folded the umbrella and stored it under our back patio, it took a beating when Hurricane Gustav rolled through. With the recent sunny and mild days, I'm missing my umbrella!

And here is a neat little red box in front of the antique watering cans that I salvaged from my great aunt's house after she passed away. I like to decorate above my kitchen cabinets even though everything up there seems to attract dust like a magnet. I had a lot of fun poked at me for lugging those babies home. Not long after that, I saw a watering can exactly like the one in the back in an antique shop with an $85.00 price tag on it.

And here are the red toile curtains that I ordered on Ebay. When I got tired of my old window treatments, I listed them on Ebay and used the proceeds toward these, so they cost me very little out of pocket. The pattern is Waverly Country Life. Notice the reproduction scale that my mother-in-law gave me one Christmas. She saw it in a gift shop just after Christmas and put it away for me until the next Christmas because she knew I'd love it. All year she reminded me that my gift was the first one she'd bought. Talk about make a girl feel special!
On Saturday, my new sofa is being delivered and guess what color is in it? RED! I'm so excited, I just can't wait!